Vacation Album1
Interesting Informations
Traveling is more than just seeing sights and eating well. 

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There are 5 main types (as mar i muntania),  poultry and fruit, fish and nuts. (Soffregit) fried anion, tomato and garlic, (samfaina),  suffregit plus red pepper and aubergine or courgette, (Picada), based on ground almonds, usually with garlic, parsley,  pine or hazel nuts, and sometimes breadcrumbs)  etcetera.... if you want I'm able to send you some typical dish. I suggest to start with Amida Catalane, arṛst a la cassola or a la Catalana,dessert crema catalana with red wine. At the end coffee.Spring and early summer is the best time to be in Barcelona. The weather is usually pleasantly warm, the number of other tourists manageable and the city humming. Barcelona offers a rich palette of sights with something to interest everyone-from Picasso to history, from the grand seafaring museum to the waxworks, from the aquarium to the monument of the Modernitas.To see a decent chunk of Barcelona and give it any justice you will need a good week and plenty of energy. If you visit Barcelona you can see "Death in the Afternoon" this is not a favourite Catalan theme, but there are some fight on Sunday afternoon at the Placa Monumental, on the Carrer de la Marina (metro: Monumental). The "fun" usually starts at 6 pm.Toro,Toro,Toro......for many, bullfighthing a sickening affair, others view it as a noble battle. Whichever way you look at it, there is little doubt about the cruelty of it, nor about the risks that bullfighters(toreros)run. The corrida(bullfight)is a spectacle with a long history, it is not, as some suggest, simply a ghoulish alternative to the slaughterhouse. Aficionados maintain that the bull is better off dying at the hands of matador(killer)than in the matadero(abattoir).


Tempio Espiatorio del Tibado